Caribbean Cashword
Odds per Game: 1 in 3.29
Odds of Winning Top Prize: 1 in 1,500,000
Island life awaits with Caribbean Cashword, our sunny, crossword-style instant game! Click, or tap to reveal your call letters. Complete three or more words to win a prize. If you get three Starfish symbols in your call letters, you’ll unlock two bonus letters. Break out your flip-flops, and seek your escape!
$.20 - $10
How To Play
Each Caribbean Cashword ticket features 18 Call Letters, 2 Locked Bonus Letters, a Crossword Puzzle, and a Prize Legend.
Reveal Call Letters to automatically mark all matching letters in the Crossword Puzzle. Once all letters in a word are marked, that word is completed. Complete 3 or more words in the puzzle to win according to the Prize Legend.
Reveal 3 STARFISH symbols scattered among the Call Letters to unlock 2 Bonus Letters.
Tickets may be purchased for $0.20, $0.50, $1.00, $2.00, $5.00 or $10.00.
Odds per Game are based on maximum possible tickets played. Top prize is based on highest possible price point played.